Ottawa Book Signing!

Ottawa Pinecrest Chapters 1 copy

Exciting news!  I’ll be signing books at the Chapters Pinecrest location (near Ikea) in Ottawa!  If you are local, come say hi and maybe pick up a book!  I’ll be there Saturday, August 20th between 11 am and 3 pm, with the completed four books in the Shadow Glyph series!

PS: The work continues on the stunning, concluding chapter of the quintet!


Never did get around to posting a second post about summer signings.  They all went well though.  However, in terms of getting Book 2 done this summer, things did not go well.

Do not fear!  In the past 3 weeks of university, I have written a lot!  I’m not sure that’s a good thing for school… but it’s great for books.  Be sure to follow my twitter account @NAVreugdenhil for page updates as I go.  Currently, page 156 of the son’s story and 60 of the father.