About N. A. V.

I grew up in Trenton, Ontario and attend the University of British Columbia in Kelowna. I started writing novels at age 10, and, ten years later, published the first of a series of five, Shadow Glyph (2012).


Gothikar is in for editing now and should be returned to me within 4-5 weeks.  This unfortunately bumps us past our Christmas deadline.  I’ll say for certain though, that the book will be for sale during January.  Probably early January.

Either way, it’s quite exciting to think that a professional industry editor has my manuscript right now!  I’m looking forward to getting some feedback!

I’ll post a tentative cover design and synopsis this week sometime.

Book 2 is done!

Gothikar’s manuscript is done at last! The writing process is complete! 11:55 pm November 8th, 2013! This baby is tentatively 376 pages long (118136 words)!

Now to give it a quick reread and send it off for editing. I will provide an updated timeline of that process as soon as I submit it. When last I checked, they estimated it to be a 3-4 week process. Then I have to review the editing and review a proof print copy. I’ll provide an official release date as soon as I can.

Map Poster

As work on Book 2 continues, I have finally met the request for purchasable maps of Midgard.  Below is a link which will connect you to my deviantArt where you can order a print of the Dominion Map from Shadow Glyph, in a variety of sizes and styles.  I am really impressed with how this version of the map turned out, enough so as to add it as a possible header for the cycling header images here on Ithyka.  I think it adds some colour into the mix!

Click here to check it out.

London Symphony

I have been meaning to upload another story to my site for a while now, and finally have.  This is a story I wrote in Grade 12 Writer’s Craft, in admiration of Ayn Rand’s writings and my own interests in themes.  It is probably my favorite of my own short stories and I hope you guys enjoy it too.  Just click here to read London Symphony!


Never did get around to posting a second post about summer signings.  They all went well though.  However, in terms of getting Book 2 done this summer, things did not go well.

Do not fear!  In the past 3 weeks of university, I have written a lot!  I’m not sure that’s a good thing for school… but it’s great for books.  Be sure to follow my twitter account @NAVreugdenhil for page updates as I go.  Currently, page 156 of the son’s story and 60 of the father.

Summer Signings part 1

I just ordered a box full of books for… signings!

I’ll be at Chapters in Belleville, Ontario from 11-2 on Saturday, July 6!  I’m hoping this will go as well as my last Chapters signing, where I gained 25 new readers in Kelowna, BC!  I’m looking forward to seeing lots of friendly faces, both familiar and new.  Hope to see you there!

There’s at least 2 more events I’m in the process of planning, so stay tuned for more soon.  Also, perhaps a Gothikar update this month.  I REALLY need to blog more…