Top 10

Thought of making a top 10 list of my favorite media, so you can get a taste of what shows, movies, games, books I’ll be raving about.

  1. The Elder Scrolls – this series of games has gone above and beyond any of my other favorite games or books  Until recently, I would have posted #2 as #1, but the latest installment of this series has won it the top of my list!  link
  2. The Wheel of Time – my all-time favorite series of books.  Only a couple more months until it’s concluded.  End of an era.  There will be posts about this, I can promise. The late Robert Jordan is a huge role model and I’m disappointed I never got to meet or thank him.  link
  3. Inception – Best movie made.  Don’t think about elephants. link
  4. Stargate – I couldn’t decide between the next two and this one, until I included the whole Stargate franchise instead of choosing one series.  I’m a huge fan of SGU, and think it’s a real shame they were short-lived, but I’ve been watching every Stargate production for close to ten years now, so this franchise takes 4th. link
  5. Fringe – I started watching mid-second season and immediately re-watched the first.  I’ve since watched the entire series again with a friend.  That’s a lot of re-watching, but it never got boring.  Also a very dynamic cast, which is surprising for basically a 3-man show.  Walter, you’re the best. link
  6. Firefly – Amazing. Every character is just… incomparable. Browncoat for life. There’s many reasons I don’t like Fox and Firefly’s cancellation is the biggest. link
  7. Redwall – I would probably hate reading books if it wasn’t for Redwall.  Well, that’s not true.  I think either way, I would have ended up discovered my knack for words.  But Redwall was the first books I enjoyed reading, and it wasn’t until after I became a Redwall fan that I tried writing.  Rest in peace Brian Jacques.  link
  8. Lord of the Rings – In my opinion, one of the greatest works of fiction by one of the most brilliant fantasy writers to pick up the pen.  I mean, Tolkien pretty much started the genre.  The movies are great, but they don’t do the books justice. link
  9. Smallville – I really wasn’t sure that this would make it onto the list, but it did.  Every time I watch Smallville, I feel like sometimes I’m Lex and sometimes I’m Clark.  It takes a really great series to capture the two sides of identity, and as a far-out-there super-hero action-sci-fi show, it’s impressive that it succeeds. link
  10. Books!  Lots and lots of books!  I’m a fan of too many to choose any one.  I love Dragonlance, A Song of Fire and Ice, Shannara, Narnia, and many, many more…

That took a lot more work than I thought it would, but it’s past time to iron these out and there they are.  Hope you enjoyed!

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