
Imperfecta "I"





Some of you may remember the old series I wrote, Imperfecta, where each episode was decided by audience votes.  The number of readers dropped too low, which influenced how well the audience decisions were, so I discontinued the series.  While I’m not starting it up again or anything, I have rebooted the website.  It was shut down when I got Ithyka up and running.  Now both are accessible, so anyone who wants to can go back and read about the five fateful individuals that board the Ascension III.  Enjoy 🙂

I would post a link to it, but for some reason my two websites have cooperation issues… just type in and you can get there.

2 thoughts on “Imperfecta

  1. I was wondering what happened to those stories! You should do something more with them. I loved Imperfecta! 🙂

  2. I LOVED it, too! But it’s still unresolved…like those movies in the 70’s–I know, waaaay before your time. But you get hooked on the characters and their fate and then, it just ends…no conclusion…just ends. Oh, please don’t do that to us!! lol! Aunti M <

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