Book 4 is available!

I’m so excited to announce that Tiberon, the 4th and second last entry in the Shadow Glyph series is now completed and available!  You can buy it on Amazon or from me around the Belleville area.  My next event/book launch will be at Chapters in Belleville on January 9th!  Stay tuned for more info.

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1 thought on “Book 4 is available!

  1. Hello Mr.Vreugdenhil,

    My name is Hayden Morgan, we met at chapters about a month ago I believe and we discussed your novels as well as the one I have been working on for some time now(Vice Versa). I would enjoy discussing with you at length the finer points of writing and getting published but this is not why I email you today. I may have mentioned when we met that I am at Loyalist College for Photojournalism and I am currently brainstorming subjects and stories for my current assignment. My question is if you would be willing to do an interview to talk about your novels, your inspiration and the details of getting published in this ever advancing digital world. It would be at most an hour of your time and I would need to take photos as well. Preferably your ‘work/writing area’ and possibly a few shots of you with your favorite books and if you’re willing, you at work. I don’t particularly enjoy posing my subjects because it takes the nature of their work out of the content. Please let me know if you are interested or not and I would love to talk in detail about writing in general as I have been interested in being an author and having a career in the written word since I was 9 years old. Speaking to a professional and published author would be very educating to an aspirant such as myself. I look forward to hearing from you.

    Till then, Carpe Diem

    H.T. Morgan

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